Reply to “Bye, Opera ….” by Ivos

As the forum thread from Ivos is closed I just put this big piece of text here into my blog.

I think I understand Ivos and I'll reply to the starting post. Maybe Ivos will receive notification regardless which email-client or browser he is using now. I'll not comment all the former answers, although at least some of them had useful hints to solve or work around some problems or enrich this discussion in other ways. …

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Future Opera: Strategy – focus end-user

It is not easy to describe my ideas of consistent user interface. So I will write a bit more provocative to give you the imagination of the things I’m thinking of.
First the user interface should be simpler on first sight and be more intuitive for new and old users at the same time. I do not prefer the way of Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon – I think the big toolbar thing is nice to learn all the features but not to work efficiently. Although I will grab some details from the new MS UI and try to improve them (ie the big icon on the top left replacing the files menu). …

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