Mouse gestures – theory and limitations

I got a really interesting question for opening images in IrfanView with a mouse gesture instead of using the right click menu from jme3 in my blog post about Azureus, IrfanView and Open folder for transfers in Right Click menu:

Originally posted by jme3:

I would love to open an image in IrfanView when pressing shift and clicking the left button of the mouse.

Resume: theoretically it may work but I couldn't get Opera to do it properly.

… … Continue reading “Mouse gestures – theory and limitations”

Spread Opera – Analysis and options

From time to time I read about the question, why Opera has only little market share, although it is such an outstanding application (e.g. Why hasn’t Opera been able to attract more users? by Daniel Goldman).

Often the given answers are technically driven, but with learning some lessons from the Browser Wars technical aspects, even technical leadership, seems to be pretty irrelevant. Equally I don't believe that there is something wrong with the name Opera or the logo.

In this article I'll first think about the steps necessary to become and be an Opera user. Then I look for the reasons of higher market share of Internet Explorer and Firefox. In the end I take a look for possible starting points to spread Opera. …

Continue reading “Spread Opera – Analysis and options”

Guide for Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, PPC

Update: There is a new version Opera Mobile 8.65beta which I highly recommend as it adds some nice features and seems to work pretty flawless. I'll update the guide when the final version is released. Meanwhile you can read my Review of Opera Mobile 8.65 beta

I made a nice collection of tips and hints towards Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

>>> click on the image <<<

this is a screenshot of the guide viewed with Opera and F11 🙂 …

Continue reading “Guide for Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, PPC”

Azureus, IrfanView and Open folder for transfers in Right Click menu

I received a question in the forum (German) how to use the torrent functionality build in Opera and an external client (Azureus) at users choice for a torrent-link. It is interesting to know that "Show download dialog" for torrents and "Open" after left click on a torrent link opens the Windows standard application (I expected Opera to handle it).

I looked around and made some changes in the context menu (German version on There is not really the need to change the menu.ini, because you can just choose "save target as" to save the torrent and double click it in the transfer panel (STRG+7).

But taking some work it could be done easier and with this method there are a lot more possibilities. …

Continue reading “Azureus, IrfanView and Open folder for transfers in Right Click menu”