Operaised search

Search for Opera related results with my Custom Searche Engine – powered by Google. I already added several hundreds of pages and made a widget for it.

(screenshot of my Operaised search widget)

Today there are 1282 sites and pages I added to this custom search. There are the most important sites and pages about Opera as well as some less known ones and a lot of forum and news pages (for latter I'm not sure whether I should add them in future but sometimes it are just some small details what I'm looking for). I added some not English pages – mainly German – which are displayed properly in the results if searched with an acccording not English word.

This custom search is really helpful for me as I don't get results about opera music or something like "works with IE5.5+, FF 1+ and Opera 7+ " when I look for something special related to Opera (ASA or Browser(s)). And there is no need to include the word Opera in every search 🙂

Rijk made another custom search engine with Opera related sites and pages, which includes only the 20 most important pages: Opera Browser Info. See his related Blog post Finding info on Opera with his included and excluded pages in the comments.

As the much more pages in my Operaised search produce a lot more noise (useless results) there are four categories to refine the search:
Mobile&Mini – Devices – Customizing – Help – News&Reviews
Just click on the links on top of the search results to refine your search towards the topic you are looking for.

The name Operaised Search is similar to Shoust's blog named Operaised. I used operized before but I think using raised in the name is more precise and especially the full word Opera is in the name now.

I cannot provide a search form here in my Opera blog – at least I couldn't make it to work, only the code was displayed. Please use the links to the homepage of Operaised search or my Operaised search widget.

I hope you enjoy this search and find it as useful as I do.
Feedback is highly appreciated.

13 Replies to “Operaised search”

  1. Sweet, I love that one. Nice work. Any chance you could paste a list of what pages the search is checking? You don’t need to tidy up the list. Just a copy/paste to a text file would be fine. Cheers,- ØØ –

  2. Øyvind,thanks and nice that you like it.For the list I can offer you an invitation to collaborate for this search engine or you can volunteer yourself – I suppose you’ll need a Google account to use it. I think you’d then be able to see all the current URLs at any time. Furthermore I uploaded the sites in XML and Tab delimited file format (TSV) and you can download it here: 7z-packed files (TSV+XML), 34kB.Would you tell me what you intend to do with this list?Have fun,Christian

  3. You seem to be pretty close to Central Europe – it’s 5:44 now here in Germany ;-)I already posted the files – publicly. So no, I don’t have problems to share. I thought about refining the search by another category for the most important pages (without the shortterm news and other side information). I’m not sure yet how to include / exclude Opera forum threads and when I’ll find time for this. Well, maybe I should look for some sleep now, too.

  4. I’ll have a look at it next time I am back home. It was only ment for private use. Often I don’t really know what I am looking for. Just want to read and read to get updated. So much to read, and so little time (you know the drill). I discover so many exiting things just by following “Recent Visitors” links here at My Opera. And was wondering if you had a good collection of links with browser/Opera information which would add to my already long reading list. Nothing more than that. If you don’t want to share, I do understand, no worries. I’ll post back when I am back home. It’s 05:20am here now. Need to catch some sleep.Cheers,- ØØ –

  5. Yes, been living at GMT+1 all my life (Oslo, Norway these days), but my job sometimes need me elsewhere. And tomorrow I am leaving again (Denmark), and won’t be back before Saturday, or maybe even Sunday. So didn’t have much more time to look at the links now. But I’ll see if I can make my self a Google account when I get back.- ØØ –

  6. Widget and Operaised Search Homepage work for me in Opera9.23, while Opera9.5 alpha requires SHIFT+Enter to submit a search (neither Enter nor click on the GO button work). I’ll look into this Kestrel issue with low priority and probably wait until the next releases of Opera9.5 unless someone could provide an easy solution or at least the reason for this behaviour.chess: thank’s for the hint while it would be nice to get some more information about your problem (was it the described Widget with Kestrel issue at all?)

  7. hmm I get this error upon submitting a search.302 moveddocument has been moved to herebut since it works for u I guess something must be wwrong at my end..

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