What does your browser reveal about you?

After Which browser fits you the best? I stumbled upon another list with browser comparisons (I saw it before and now I write about it):
What does your browser reveal about you?.

… …

Actually I today stumbled across another page linking to several things including this browser list:
Who are you? What your pig drawing, browser type, fav. drinks, etc. reveal about you!.

Again some excerpts:

What does your browser reveal about you?

I often tend to judge people based on the type of browser they use. Believe it or not, the choice of your favorite browser reveals a lot about your personality.

IE 6.0:
You probably don’t know what a “browser” is …

Firefox 1.x:
… You really don’t care if FF is faster, or safer than IE – you would use it even if it performed 10 times worse. You are just happy that you have a free, open source browser …

Firefox 2.0 Beta:
You are a developer by day and open source developer by night. Either that, or a huge Firefox fan. …

You have been with Mozilla since the begging. You think that Firefox is really over-hyped and you prefer the old school Netscape like environment much better. …

You really don’t care for they Firefox hype. What you want is the best browser there is – and for you that’s Opera. You actually used to pay them when the browser was ad supported. If a Firefox fanboi starts talking smack about your browser you quickly shoot him down by proposing the ACID2 test. You know what you want (a fast, standards compliant browser) and you know where to get it. Browser wars do not interest you at all, although you kinda hope that Firefox wins so that fewer web developers make IE only pages.

Netscape 8.x:
You are a senior citizen, who just recently got a new computer. You don’t really understand anything about the internets, but you distinctly remember that you must have Netscape to run them. You can’t understand all that talk about Internet Explorator and Firesomething, and you have no clue what Oprah has to do with the internets. …

Congratulations! You are a Mac user with all perks and benefits that title offers you. …

You are a linux user, and a geek at heart. You think that KDE is the best desktop environment out there, and you despise Gnome. …

If you like it go and read the full article: What does your browser reveal about you?

Probably I first found this link on Rijk's blog post about Opera's fans

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