Experimental Opera-video build with native Ogg Theora support

Howcome (full name: Håkon Wium Lie) already presented Opera with build in video support (read Haavards post, watch a YouTube-video or the longer video posted by Daniel on Operawatch).

Recently an experimental Opera-video version for Windows with native support for Ogg Theora was made publicly available including some sample Theora video pages (OperaLabs, Howcomes page and Haavards post).

Although I'm not experienced with videos I had to go for this experiment and I think it is quite interesting and maybe it will help us to get rid at least a little bit of this nasty Flash world.

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Opera Mobile 8.65 beta for Windows Mobile – First Review

  • 2. April 2007: added some minor updates to this review
  • 3. April 2007: it is possible to import IE bookmarks from the GUI – thanks for your comment Denya
  • 5. April 2007: g will search with Google according to the changed changelog
  • 17. April 2007: now the changelog says again g will search with Yahoo!
  • 24. April 2007: in addition to the official changelog proxy settings are taken from the system settings and there is a workaround for the font issue displaying Windings, Greek or other not fitting fonts.
  • 20. June 2007: since 1. June 2007 there is a slightly updated version – running until 1. October 2007
  • 29. June 2007: added some information to new feature and problem with Save image
  • 29. June 2007: added section "New possibilities for customization" with hints towards userJS, userCSS and the possibility to stream media with TCPMP by editing [file types] section in opera.ini


With the small raise in number from 8.6 to 8.65 lots of the most wanted features were added in the new beta of Opera Mobile: Flash support, saving of images, grab and scroll, import IE bookmarks, trouble-free install to storage card etc. Some bugs are gone, some minor flaws came (especially with some of the new functionality) but overall the new Opera Mobile 8.65 beta is really good and stable with strong (and unobtrusive) improvements.

Read on for the details or try yourself – the beta should run until 1. June 2007 1. October 2007 (new version with fixed launcher application ("not enough resources" etc.)

If you don't know Opera Mobile at all: it is a fully capable browser based on the Opera Desktop 8.x core and the most powerful Browser for mobile devices – at least until Opera Mobile 9 will be released 😉
For the previous version 8.6 you can read my Guide for Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

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