Shoust’s new My Opera Explorer Widget is cool!

After lots of watch notifications for Shoust's Blog – Simon: I am watching you πŸ˜‰ – which were empty nearly everytime I looked into them because Simon already deleted his test posts – now finally his My Opera Explorer – Widget is ready.

… …

After download I logged in and saw my blog stats. With a click on "files" I can see all my files in all the directorys of the My Files page and with "Blog" I can see the titles of my last 20 blog posts (strangly only one of three posts with private access are shown). And I could "Add" a post with title and tags, which was quite a bit of fun until the Widget kind of crashed πŸ™ Maybe I shouldn't zoom my Widgets, what normally is quite cool.

Try it yourself: My Opera Explorer – Widget

Posted with Shoust's new Widget My Opera Explorer

(as I often enough lost posts writing online I'll probably continue to use a normal text-editor so I can easily save what I write)

update (edited normally in Opera):
with click on the blog titles the text is shown – inside the widget what I think is really cool, too. Additionally I realized just now that right mouse click in the blog editing field shows my normal Opera menu with my customized BBCode entries and the spell-checker … just great.

And here is a screenshot with My Opera Explorer Widget in its five views (and two times the very cool new TouchTheSky version):

I hope all of you know that you can download a widget several times and use them with different setups (and rename them in the panel).

Update from Widget
With Version 1.6 from 16 January it is even possible to edit posts, as I do now. There are lots of great improvements, just check it out πŸ™‚

5 Replies to “Shoust’s new My Opera Explorer Widget is cool!”

  1. After lots of watch notifications for Shoust’s BlogSo that’s what’s happening !!! πŸ™ Monkey: alert! :)I downloaded the super widget before it “came out”, but I still can’t connect.. Better wait until it comes out of “super active development” πŸ˜‰

  2. About some posts not appearing, thats because I’m actually so far parsing the blog posts through the rss feed πŸ™‚ So at the moment posts for friends or private shouldn’t show in theory.Note: As well , notifications for post watching are on by default, should it stay like this you think?Another feature on the way, messaging(and messages) through the widget ;)I’ll see if I can workaround the errors too. πŸ™‚ (just fixed the logo position, not quite sure about the other issues yet, will get to it.) Edit: My Widget will parse through blog now instead of feed πŸ˜› And indicator will always appear below x button. Plus the Messaging(and messages) πŸ™‚

  3. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :)I couldn’t log in with the previous version but now it looks great again. Zoom seems to work pretty perfect now – how did you manage this? I experienced some problems with my first simple Widget, too.About notification for post watching – I haven’t seen it yet. Is there something when I write a new blog post? I wouldn’t need a notification for my own blog because I should know about it. If a new comment is added by someone a notification would be great.It would be even more useful to get notification of my watches. Looks like this could be another section in you widget.The indicator for PM (haven’t seen it yet) will be a great help (as unlike other PM new friend-messages are not notified by normal email).PS: If you want me to see what you edited not only by accident I’d need another comment entry, so I’ll be notified by my watches (one of us could delete the comment afterwards). And your edit announced great news πŸ™‚

  4. Well I’ve updated the widget to version 1.41 so far :)Here is changelog since 1.3″Changes in 1.4: Log Out button moved to config settings. Post and Send buttons for posting blog/message placed at bottom of widget when needed. Added some settings to the config part. Settings such as “View images fullsize”, “Disable smilies when posting”,”watch posted posts”,”View text based files in browser”. Save login details checkbox is added too, for multiple users.Changes in 1.41: If no blog, link is offered to create one(opens in browser).

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