Opera Roadmap Prediction

After I was quite successful with some short term predictions about some dates for Opera Desktop I now try some much harder forecasts and present a possible Opera Roadmap for the next year. This includes Version 9.1 up to 10 of Opera Desktop (code name Peregrine).

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Unofficial Roadmap for Opera Desktop

In every version will be bugfixes and enhanced support of web standards.

Opera 9.1

(this one is easy as there are already weekly builds close to RC1)

  • fraud protection
  • custom find in page colors

time: early 2006 Christmas present (middle of December)

update 21 December 2006: my prediction could be considered a total match

Opera 9.5 (or less probable 9.2, depending on number and size of new features)

  • web-dev toolbar including tools like DOM inspector, Live CSS inspector, view live source (generated code), colour picker, windows resizer
  • enhanced Widget abilities
  • improved source editor (line numbers etc)

time: maybe a birthday present for me (end of April 2007)

update 21 December 2006:
additional feature:

Opera 9.5 or 10

one of the two will have the code name "Peregrine" (Opera9 is "Merlin")

  • HTML-email composing
  • auto zoom
  • refined preferences dialog (possibly Preferences and Opera:config are integrated into one preferences dialog)
  • online profile synchronizing (similar to Osync)
  • improved handling and saving of user delivered online content (ie blog/forum entries)

Opera 10

pretty much speculative

  • new user interface engine based on XML/HTML (current is UI kit "Quick") – look and feel may be very similar to Opera9 or a bigger redesign
  • enhanced tabs+windows handling
  • refining and enhancements of several Opera9.x features
  • changed format for bookmarks etc (database)
  • major M2 improvements

time: in about 1 year from now

Keep in mind this list is not based on official information. It is derived of public information and my own thoughts. It is quite probable that there are much more points in the change logs. And for my time estimations: of course it is always WIR (when its ready) and therefore not really predictable.

6 Replies to “Opera Roadmap Prediction”

  1. 2 “Opera 9.5 (or less probable 9.2, depending on number and size of new features)”http://www.southbourneinternet.co.uk/opera-backstage-event-and-opera-91-preview.htmLive CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) inspectorDOM inspectorview sourceview live source (generated code)cool colour picker/inspector: lets you hover over any colour on the screen and get the code for it.windows resizer to common sizes for devices, mobile phones and pcs

  2. Thanks for your comments.Mister Nobody,thanks a lot for the link and the list, I added the tools to the web-dev toolbar entry.Saito,there will be more differences than just the server running the scripts: I don’t have to change my complete setup (ini’s) to have this, instead I will get a new toolbar (maybe panel) that I probably can use differently, too. Furthermore not all features are possible or complete yet ie generated code and DOM inspector.Christian

  3. Yes Andrey,I saw the video and I was really astonished about the announcement that the web-dev-toolbar and 9.10 are to be released this month. While the release in this month is at least possible (two weeks earlier than I expected) there will be no new toolbar. This seems to be a matter of wording as there now are custom-buttons / power-buttons with web-dev-tools. They are a very nice addition to Non-troppos web-dev-setup (actually called The Web Developers Toolbar) or the WAT-setup. As the new buttons are announced to be “early previews, and should be considered alpha quality software” (although other companies would call them beta) they will not be delivered with any near Opera-Release. I think it is even possible that they will be never released with default Opera. Well, I’m looking forward to new informationChristian

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