Welcome post

All hail! Failte! Servus! Salute! Nin hao

This is my Operabook, formerly known as loogbook.

Pages filled with stuff related to Opera in a lot of ways.

Just like a loose-leaf-collection.

Dedicated to those who have and did have heartfelt things to say.

8 Replies to “Welcome post”

  1. Thanks victor :jester: For a lot of Germans the Doninican Republic is a favourite place for vacation, while it’s probably too hot for my taste.

  2. My english is poor so I write in Chinese.”Nin hao” means hello in China.I have been very eager to get one Opera T-shirt,I like it.It’s pity I didn’t know the correct answer.

  3. szbj, I had some classes in Mandarin and nin hao is one of the few things I still remember. I added it to my Welcome post and now I should probably look out for the Japanese and Norwegian words for hello :confused:. According comments are welcome.We can wait for the next t-shirt contest and in case I’d get one I try to manage that the t-shirt is shipped to you :up: Christian

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