Guide for Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, PPC

Update: There is a new version Opera Mobile 8.65beta which I highly recommend as it adds some nice features and seems to work pretty flawless. I'll update the guide when the final version is released. Meanwhile you can read my Review of Opera Mobile 8.65 beta

I made a nice collection of tips and hints towards Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

>>> click on the image <<<

this is a screenshot of the guide viewed with Opera and F11 🙂 …

Please provide feedback towards the tips and additional solutions in the seperate forum thread.

For general feedback not related to the tips (smilies, praise, resentment, pagedesign etc) please leave a comment here in my blog.

If you have a problem not related to the tips in this guide please search the Forum for Opera Mobile and start your own post if it is a new topic. Or you can provide feedback in this thread for Opera Mobile 8.6

7 Replies to “Guide for Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, PPC”

  1. Thanks to the feedback from Investor I could fix a little awkwardness.Feedback welcome. Helpful feedback like Investor’s is required to make things work. Don’t hesitate. Please.

  2. Thank’s a lot Lawrence!

    You really think this blog should be listed on Planet Opera? Never thought it is important for a broader public. So no, I haven’t asked yet.

    Opera Show is really nice. I used it with some non public pages. Yet I haven’t implemented it on my normal sites, especially because I don’t want to blow up my XHTML markup with etc. I would like to do it with pagebreak-before on headings but Opera had problems with this approach when I tested it about 2 years ago. I’ll check it out again some time.

  3. Sure as it is the target of Opera to bring the real web (experience) to any device. Even AJAX is working. This is imrpoving with every versions and I find current Opera Mobile 9.5 beta handling of real web quite impressive.

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