Right Click menu file

Towards my prior post here is the file for the changed context menu.
I used the HARDER (but much better) method: only the updated sections are in this file, the rest is used from the default menu.ini – that is a big advantage for the case the default settings of Opera are changed and it is easier to maintain. …

Just save/copy this file to the folder profile/menu (see Opera:about where you find this) and select the new Menu setup "My menu prefs" in Tools – Preferences – Advanced – Toolbars – Menu setup
You should look for the paths and change them if needed

German version: German context menu entries and C:\Programme\ …
update: fixed character encoding to UTF-8, now "ö" is displayed properly
English version: English context menu entries and C:\program files\ …

You can delete whole sections (starting with a line in [brackets]) – standard menus will be used for this section.

Of course also the lines could be altered (deleted, added, changed).
Renaming of an Item is possible by altering the first entry "…" after "Item, "

Content – what is changed compared to the default menu.ini

on highlighted text
-> copy and open scite
this one is not perfect, as you have to paste the content of the clipboard manually into scite, there probably would be a way using VBS but I didn't like that way (so only the highlighted text is copied to the clipboard and scite is opened)
Scite is a Scintilla based text editor (like Notepad++ which didn't work either, windows notepad does not work, too)

on text links
-> Open with Azureus (for torrent downloads)

on images with link
-> Open with Azureus (for torrent downloads)
-> Open image in IrfanView (copy image, open IrfanView and pase clippoard)
deleted: Use image as desktop background

on images
-> Open image in IrfanView (copy image, open IrfanView and pase clippoard)
deleted: Use image as desktop background

on transfer items (in transfer panel STRG+7 or Tools-Transfers)
-> open folder
-> open
(on first and second place of context menu)
doesn't work on Mac and maybe not with old Windows versions

on text input fields
-> BBCode menu with several submenus
mostly the highlighted text is cut and pasted between the corresponding code elements (ie: highlighted text), smilies and most list elements would delete the highlighted text

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