Azureus, IrfanView and Open folder for transfers in Right Click menu

I received a question in the forum (German) how to use the torrent functionality build in Opera and an external client (Azureus) at users choice for a torrent-link. It is interesting to know that "Show download dialog" for torrents and "Open" after left click on a torrent link opens the Windows standard application (I expected Opera to handle it).

I looked around and made some changes in the context menu (German version on There is not really the need to change the menu.ini, because you can just choose "save target as" to save the torrent and double click it in the transfer panel (STRG+7).

But taking some work it could be done easier and with this method there are a lot more possibilities. …

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Reply to “Bye, Opera ….” by Ivos

As the forum thread from Ivos is closed I just put this big piece of text here into my blog.

I think I understand Ivos and I'll reply to the starting post. Maybe Ivos will receive notification regardless which email-client or browser he is using now. I'll not comment all the former answers, although at least some of them had useful hints to solve or work around some problems or enrich this discussion in other ways. …

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