Future Opera: my Targets

My focus for future Opera is increasing market share.

In this posts I don't want to discuss detailed definition of market share, from which point to start, which users/countries are considered or what means of measure should be used.
Market-share here is just gererally the time people are using Opera for surfing on internet pages in comparison to all other internet browsers (focus on main Opera component in this point for the same reasons given below). Given numbers will be just for having a loose impression about the dimension I'm thinking of. My background are general browser statistics for Germany and US.

Reasons for market share
Besides I don't see any other non technical target there are mainly two strong reasons choosing market share as target:

  • It is one main factor for the revenue in desktop market for Opera ASA created by the pay per click contracts with Google, Yahoo, Amazon and others which is the main part of Opera's desktop revenue. Another factor is the number of credited clicks per Opera user (or per time using Opera). It is harder to influence, focusing on it could result in evil reputation and it is not as obvious and impressing to business partners and the public.
  • It is one main factor for more internet pages will work in Opera by the means of pages being designed (according to standards) to work in Opera and or being tested in Opera. With better market share there will be more people complaining about pages that are not proper working in Opera and there will be more page owners see they could earn more money making their pages work in Opera.
  • A technical target would be just another feature wish list, but I want to do a strategical concept and therfore have a special focus on the non technical implications (although this posts will have a one sided view to the technical features)

Market share and the Vision of Opera
For my part the target of market share should run completly inside the vision of Opera. So, regardless if it would increase or decrease market share (besides increasing market share would help to "earn global leadership"), especially security and following web standards should be strict and are always unspoken requirements to all my ideas. The resulting Opera should and will deliver "faster, more stable and flexible Internet experience than its competitors".

Gaining market share is taking market share from others
Speaking of the competitors of Opera I see especially and only the Internet Explorer. The second in place, Firefox is willing and acting to support W3C standards and to be considered more an ally than an opponent. Additionally the Firefox's market share is too small. Equally the other browsers and other OS could not be the focus. Nevertheless it is part of Opera's vision and a big part of its business to be present on other OS and platforms and I like this. In aspect of market share there could be only one browser to take it from. And therefore it is reasonable to have the people in mind that are using IE now, without forgetting those people that love Opera now (I wouldn't like to give it away!).
It is not making Opera like IE (what a nonsense), it is thinking of what IE users want additional to IE. And thinking of how they will know they can use Opera to get what they want. And making them to overcome the obstacle to download, install and use Opera. In the best case it will be things that will help the old Opera users and attract new ones.

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