two rendering bugs in latest weeklys (projection) – [update]

Since yesterday I have to get along without my high speed internet connection. So I found 2-3 hours to track down a rendering problem on the last weeklys with my recent XHTML page. I deleted the former content and wrote a test case. It is somewhat bloated, but it would take me some more time to make a testcase with the mere essence of the problems I found.
So see the test case if it is a major problem – I assume it probably is more than minor.

Some more work for a finally reduced test-case, without all the other maybe confusing CSS. The two bugs work quite the same with slight differences (see different comments in source):
Reduced test case
Actually the bugs can be shown with only two lines of CSS and also in quirks-mode (if there is one with projection):
.slide h2 { position: absolute; top: 10%; }
.slide { page-break-after: always; margin-top: 15%; }
And it looks like the bugs work independent from each other, but the heading-bug could not be seen without slides.
The missing content-margin seems to need at least an unstyled heading inside the div (the last slide is shown correct in this minimalistic example):
Minimalistic test case

I have not filed a bug report until now.

[Update] Some weeklys before final the headings bug is solved. The margin bug still remains but it is easy to workaround using padding instead of margin.

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